Three Best Kept Secrets about Spider Veins


Everybody knows about spider veins. They are the purple and blue tiny twisted veins visible through the skin and often unsightly. While everyone would prefer to live without them, many people still see them as an inevitable part of the aging process. Following contains certain facts about out circulation, not commonly known, you might find helpful in dealing with your spider veins.

  1. Spider veins, also known as “telangiectasia”, are one of common \"veins4\"symptoms of circulatory disease called “venous insufficiency”. Implication of the above is the following. It is almost always wrong to treat a symptom of a disease, instead of treating the disease responsible for this symptom. For example, if you get rid of hypertension-related headache by taking Tylenol, your hypertension persists without you knowing about it and will eventually cause a stroke and other complications. By taking care, however, of hypertension, you not only treat your high blood pressure, but also get rid of your headache and prevent development of stroke and other hypertension-related complications. Conclusion: identification and appropriate management of venous insufficiency, a condition responsible for spider veins development, is essential for success treatment of spider veins.
  1. While spider veins are nearly always harmless, causing them venous insufficiency is never is. Some other symptoms of the above venous insufficiency include discomfort, aches and pain, particularly during standing or even sitting down for prolonged periods of time, as well as during walking, heaviness, tiredness and weakness. Muscle cramps at night are another frequent symptom of venous insufficiency. As disease progresses, swelling incurs, as well as brown discoloration of the ankles. Appearance of varicose veins, slow-healing wounds, dryness and itchiness of the skin, restless leg syndrome, burning alternating with coldness, numbness, perception of “pins and needles” are some other common symptoms of venous insufficiency. Eventually, complications develop, such as trophic ulcers, infections, bleeding and formation of blood clots, known as “thrombophlebitis”.
  1. There are many forms of treatment available. Fortunately, not only spider veins, but more importantly causing them venous insufficiency, treatable and, furthermore, curable. One of the most popular forms of treatment for spider vein removal in NYC includes laser treatment. This is a highly effective, safe and no-invasive treatment, delivering immediate and permanent results! Insurance coverage depends on the reason for treatment, the type of procedure, and how complex it is. For an estimated cost and/or for more information regarding your insurance coverage, please call at (212) 575-8346.

Now that you’re aware of these four facts about spider veins, you can make a well-informed decision regarding the treatment of your veins.

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